Day of Show Checklist


Zoom performance etiquette.
  • Dress in performance attire.
  • Mute devices or place them on airplane mode.
Locate zoom and program link.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of zoom downloaded and know where you are in the program.
Optimize audio quality.
  • Change zoom audio settings to performance mode. Learn more here.
  • Confirm zoom is registering sound.
  • For optimal sound and video quality, connect your computer to the internet via ethernet cable.
  • Do a dry run through with a family member or friend over zoom to ensure they can hear you well. This is especially important if you will be using backing tracks during your performance.
Optimize video quality.
  • Find a good spot to set your phone/camera and double check the camera angle - if using a phone or tablet, make sure it is in landscape mode.
  • Make sure the entire instrument is in the shot (unless you are performing on a large instrument like a piano).
Prepare your performance space.
  • Check the lighting - ideally, a light source should be in front of you, such as a window.
  • Check your background and minimize potential distractions.
  • Try practicing in this location before the recital to make sure you can perform comfortably.
iPhone microphones - for ultimate simplicity and portability.

Pros: They attach directly to your iPhone and are small enough to carry anywhere.
Cons: You may have to remove your phone from its case to plug these mics in. Additional software may also need to be installed to use.

USB microphones - good blend of features and simplicity.

Pros: All in one mic/interface that is easy to use with zoom.
May require the purchase of a microphone stand to find good placement for a piano.

Audio interface + microphone - for ultimate flexibility and future expansion.

Interfaces are great if you want high quality audio and the ability to experiment with different mics. They come in a variety of options, ranging from small interfaces with one mic input to larger interfaces with 16 mic inputs, and are useful for blending multiple tracks together - like a backing track with live vocals. For information on how to do this, check out this video here.

Please note - if you have an audio interface with more than 2 channels, it becomes much more complicated to get it to work with Zoom. This is because Zoom automatically sums all inputs to either mono or stereo, which negatively impacts the sound. So, if you have a 24 input audio interface, Zoom will sum all of those inputs - even if they're not in use - to a stereo or mono mix. To get around this, you must use a virtual routing app like BlackHole 2 channel or use an audio interface with only 1 or 2 inputs.

Pros: More flexibility and great audio quality.
Cons: Can be pricier and require more set up time. You also will need to purchase additional hardware like microphones, XLR cables, and mic stands.


For those looking to create high fidelity recordings with multiple microphones, there are many pro interfaces available too:

While there are hundreds of options for microphones to go with your interface - each that are suitable for different instruments and purposes - here are a couple well known options:


Microphone stands, XLR cables, and extra lighting are all great accessories to keep around. Here's a few that have been used by performers in previous MusicNBrain events:

Please note: Always double check to make sure these microphones and interfaces will be compatible with your current mobile or desktop device.

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